Version 1.55:
- Bug fix: Fix double counting of SMS sent out when threaded SMS application is used.
Version 1.54:
- Bug fix: Change default Roger prepaid plan.
- Bug fix: rate plan changes sometimes are not reflected in balance info.
- Bug fix: extra weekday and extra special minutes, weekend, evening and extra weekday SMS allowance rollover are not handled.
Version 1.53:
- Bug fix: SMS is charged with evening rates when no evening is defined.
Version 1.52:
- Feature change: Per call start minutes comes before per day start minutes.
- Bug fix: SMS is counted to used weekday SMS even when it's not set to share with weekday SMS allowance.
- Bug fix: Free weekend/evening SMS setting is not saved.
Version 1.51:
- Feature change: Change Today/Home Screen display setting from flags based to display format string based.
- Bug fix: Fix memory leak for rates string without numbers.
- Bug fix: Matching numbers saved in call/SMS rates string will fail sometimes.
- Bug fix: Weekday minutes is counted for numbers that are not set to share weekday minutes.
Version 1.50:
- Feature change: Support rates string based charge mode for all calls (normal rates and special rates) and SMS.
- Feature change: Add support for call minutes allowance for extra weekday, extra special: their usage is defined with rates string by users.
- Feature change: Add support for weekend and evening charge rates for SMS.
- Feature change: Add support for SMS allowance for weekend, evening and extra weekday.
- Bug fix: Update trace code so it support re-entrance.
Version 1.45:
- Bug fix: Sometimes daily and/or monthly counter are not cleared.
- Bug fix: Clear data records doesn't work.
Version 1.44:
- Feature change: Add more traces for day and month change.
- Bug fix: change free minutes or data allowance is not updated to balance info when user choose to apply new rate plan to existing usage.
- Bug fix: +/- sign in special rates not handled correctly.
Version 1.43:
- Feature change: Time based charge mode for data usage.
- Feature change: New sharing flag for special rates string to support free long distance minutes is shared before free daytime/weekend/evening minutes.
- Feature change: Maximum length of special rates increased to 2048.
- Bug fix: Support new service message format for balance info from Rogers.
Version 1.42:
- Feature change: Character "+" now supported for number in free number and special rates string, along with character "*", which is already supported.
- Feature change: Data allowance unit changed from MB to KB.
- Feature change: Correct misc setting display for call minute warning.
- Feature change: Add more trace for importing phone calls.
- Feature change: Add more trace for GetCellTowerInfo in case of failure.
- Feature change: Remove trace for signal changes.
- Bug fix: call connection fee is charged even when free minutes is still available.
- Code optimization: Use constant for bytes per kilobytes definition.
Version 1.41:
- Project configuration change.
Version 1.40:
- Feature change: font customization for both main window and plugin item partially supported, through 3rd party registry editor.
- Bug fix: rate plan setting display incorrectly in editing state for some htc Touch phones when using some fonts.
- Bug fix: daily used minutes is not correctly updated when updating balance by user setting or detecting from service messages.
- Bug fix: detecting T-Mobile used minutes from service message now working correctly.
Version 1.39:
- Feature change: setting for display calls, SMS, data, and balance in main window is now saved.
- Feature change: data usage charge unit can be set by user to any number of kilobytes.
- Feature change: add network id for rate plan to support monitoring balance info in service messages from Kuwait Zain and T-Mobile USA.
- Feature change: support displaying expire date or effective date without year info.
- Feature change: add more traces for debugging rate plan displaying problem in some htc Touch phones.
Version 1.38:
- Feature change: Monitoring balance info in service messages from Kuwait Zain and T-Mobile USA is supported, along with Canadian Rogers and Fido.
- Feature change: used data display format changed: now decimal places or fractional digits is changed to 2 or 1 or 0 based on the size of the used data.
- Feature change: add more traces for debugging.
- Bug fix: currency symbol with multiple characters supported.
Version 1.37:
- Feature change: support simultaneously data connection and phone call.
- Bug fix: rate plan change (free minutes, data/SMS allowance) is not reflected in balance.
Version 1.36:
- Bug fix: trace setting not saved.
Version 1.35:
- Bug fix: used data of balance is imported incorrectly.
Version 1.34:
- Feature change: charge for multiple recipients and concatenated SMS supported.
- Feature change: trace for LCMinutes today/home screen plugin.
- Feature change: special rates length increased from 512 to 1024.
- Feature change: Precision of rates per KB for data usage is increased by one digit.
- Bug fix: after shared units for call minutes and SMS is all consumed, SMS usage will not add up to used minutes. It will now only add up to the usd SMS count.
Version 1.33:
- Bug fix: data traffic monitoring now works on Samsung CDMA phones.
Version 1.32:
- Feature change: free long distance minutes supported: now user can use free long distance minutes before applying long distance rates for their phone calls.
- Feature change: new special rates format: now it's possible for special rates numbers to share free numbers before applying special rates. This should be helpful for some Polish and Australian users.
- Feature change: data traffic is now dynamically updated on today screen before it's disconnected and charged.
- Feature change: used minutes is now displayed with seconds if the charge interval is not exact 60 seconds.
- Feature change: start minutes is now second based in stead of minute based, so user can set a start minutes like 1 minute plus 20 seconds.
- Bug fix: the call minutes is now rounded up to charging interval for start minutes if the call is shorter than the start minutes.
- Bug fix: call time calculation error for phone call surpass two days and using special rates.
- Bug fix: exporting balance before opening balance tab will export garbage data.
Version 1.31:
- Today / Homescreen display customization: now user can choose what to display on their LCMinutes Today / Homescreen plugin.
- Minute beep support: timing and period are both user defined, incoming call and outgoing call can have different timing and period. So user can define a half minute (or whatever seconds he wants) beep period if his/her charging unit is 30 seconds instead of 1 minute.
- The data allowance limit can be 4T bytes, instead of 4G bytes, in maximum.
- New data connection type support: this should fix the problem that data traffic is not recorded on some phones, or some operators.
- Effective date support when importing balance: this enable user to set a balance for a past date.
- Data traffic sample timing now can be changed by user.
- Trace mode support.
- Some minor code optimizations.
Version 1.30:
- Feature change: support for data traffic, user can set monthly data limit and rates per kilobytes for extra data traffic, and whether to round up to the next full kilobytes when calculating charges.
Version 1.25:
- Feature change: load call & SMS logs not automatic any more. Application start up is fast again;
- Bug fix: duplicate phone calls when importing now are avoided;
Version 1.24:
- Automatically load call & SMS logs in phone, automatically calculating related charges;
- Support re-calculating charge for past call & SMS after updating rate plan or balance;
- Balance effective day can be any prior date;
Version 1.23:
- Update the support of charging units concept: now user can set SMS to share the free units with call minutes, and user can set how many seconds equals a SMS.
Version 1.22:
- New special rates format: now support different rates for weekday, weekend, evening and incoming calls. And rates for phone call and SMS is now combined together.
Version 1.21:
- Support treating SMS as one call minute: so one SMS is sent, it's counted into the free minutes as one minute until all free minutes are used, and then it will be charged with SMS charging rates.
Version 1.20:
- Windows Mobile 5/6 Smartphone is supported, but only verified on emulators.
- Import/Export rate plan and balance is now supported.
- Call and SMS display in main window is changed: now 2 digits is used to display year, e.g. year 2008 is displayed 08. And the direction of call and SMS is moved to the second line, while "Out" is replaced with "<=", and "In" is replaced with "=>".
- Now rates for weekday, weekend, evening, and starting minutes have one more digit after the decimal point than balance. So now if the balance has 2 digits after the decimal point, then rates for weekday will have 3 digits.
- Balance setting screen is scrollable now if the screen is too small to display all contents.
- Exclude special rates minutes from minutes counting when the rates is zero.
- Some minor code optimization.
Version 1.14:
- Support special rates for outgoing and incoming calls and SMS: special rates format changed.
- Today plugin now compatible with Spb Pocket Plus.
Version 1.13:
- Record phone call & SMS into balance database even its charge is $0.0.
- Limit special rates for outgoing calls only.
Version 1.12:
- Support special rates:user can use this feature to support long distance rates, pay per call service numbers (like 900 service numbers), or even different rates for different type of phone numbers, like the different rates based on phone number types seen in Australian operators. Check LCMinutes FAQ for the details.
Version 1.11:
- Support free numbers:user can now input their free numbers into the rate plan to get them excluded from charge calculation. This should help the users with features like myFaves, My Five, free in network calls, etc.
Version 1.10:
- Support user defined charge interval, from per second to many minutes;
- Support different charging interval & rates for starting minutes (user defined) for every phone call, or every day;
- Support per call connection fee, can be both way or outgoing call only;
- Support using only starting rates: which means a phone call started in daytime is charged as daytime minutes entirely, and vice versa;
- Support tax calculation;
- Support weekday definition: e.g., define weekday from Sunday (0) - Saturday (6) means there's no weekend;
- Support unused minutes, SMS rollover;
- Better support for postpaid monthly plans;
- Some codes and UI optimization;
Version 1.05:
- Recompiled for Windows Mobile 5 Professional: it still works fine on Windows Mobile 6, and it works on Windows Mobile 5 now;
- Changed the Today Plugin initial position to the last.
Version 1.04:
- Fix a bug that rates in rate plan setting is not correctly saved: now the biggest number can be saved is 429496.00;
- Fix a bug that sometimes a call is not charged.
Version 1.03:
- Support 4 digit precision for rates & balance: this means rates like $0.1225 per minute can be input;
- Support different currency format based on Regional Settings: so user can choose different currency symbol (instead of just $), and different precision;
- Default name for the generated rate plan changed: active operator name and owner name are used;
- Fixed the today plugin bug: now the today item can be moved to any position;
- Some minor code optimizations.
Version 1.02:
- Change the format of minutes & SMS usage information display in Today Plugin and the balance bar in main window.
Version 1.01:
- Support of VGA screen;
- Support displaying of minutes & SMS usage information on Today plugin and the balance bar in main window for postpaid plan;
- Fix a bug that when updating rate plan, the balance is not updated accordingly.
Version 1.0:
- The initial version.
Hi there, im a new user for this great software. How can i do this? I have a plan where i have 10 numbers, i can call them for free if the call is for less than 5 minutes long. How can i setup the program for ending the call or for warnig me during the call when the call is 4:30 minutes long. Ive tried some settings in the misc section with no success. Thanks for your help.
Have you tried following setting?:
X warn me during calls
at 270 second for incoming calls
per 300 seconds.
at 270 second for outgoing calls
per 300 seconds.
Hi! its me again.
How can i change the sound and volume used to warn me during the call each X seconds. My cell phone is GSM HTC TOUCH with Windows Mobile 6.1.
Thanks in advance.
Can I use this for Samsung I600?
I want a software that can autodisconnect the call (at 9min).
Is it possible to use this software to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, Victor, you can change the sound in with a registry editor to registry HKLM\Software\LCTools\LCMinutes\BeepSoundFileName, But unfortunately you can not change its volume, which I hardcoded to maximum volume.
CricketFan, unfortunately auto disconnect is not supported by LCMinutes yet.
I have replaced the Default.wav sound with my custom 30 second wav, the format is the same as Default.wav 8 khz 16bit mono. But it didnt work. Only works with short wav files. The reason for long wav file, is because the beep sound is too short and some times i dont hear it. By the way, the ability to drop the call after X seconds would be great.
Hey LyonPlus,
I don't see where to put the phone numbers for which I can call for free (like My5 numbers). Was it taken out?
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